Are you looking for a Certified Residential Appraiser to provide you with a market value of your property?


Thomas M. Leighton, Pennsylvania Certified Residential Appraiser, has 30+ years of experience and is ready to provide you with a comprehensive appraisal of your property, whether it be a single family home, multi-unit apartment building, commercial building, or land.

We Offer:

·      Primary and Secondary Mortgage

·      Refinance

·      Divorce Settlement

·      Estate Settlement

·      Tax Assessment


Contact us today for all your appraisal needs

Office Staff

Thomas M. Leighton
PA State Certified Appraiser, RL000383L
Broker, BA002765L
Property Manager

Patricia Leighton
Salesperson, RS149470A

Brian J. Leighton
Salesperson, RS193645L

Alan P. Rosen
Salesperson, RS183932L


Licensed Insurance Agents

Thomas M. Leighton
Patricia Leighton
Rhonda M. Musto